Epperstone Parish Council
The councillors on Epperstone Parish Council are all unpaid elected members. They are supported by the parish clerk who is employed by the Parish Council.
Of the councillors, one is elected Chair and one is elected Vice-Chair. The current parish council members are as follows:
Chair: Paul Bracegirdle
Vice Chair: Raoul Clarke
Nigel Richardson
Bob Sansom
Michelle Home
- two vacancies
The clerk is Lisa-Jayne Campbell
You can write to the council by email: epclerk@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month (except August and December) at Epperstone Village Hall and start at 7.30pm.
Epperstone Parish Councillor specific responsibilities:
- Responsible Financial Officer- Nigel Richardson
- Village Hall - Bob Sansom
- Playing Fields - Bob Sansom
- Garden and Car Park - Paul Bracegirdle
- Village Defibrillator - Yvonne Pritchard and reporting via The Clerk
- Planning - Paul Bracegirdle
- Section 106 Agreement and the Manor field - Paul Bracegirdle
- Football Club Liaison - Paul Bracegirdle
- Lenghtsman Michelle Home
- Flood Group Michelle Home
- Grant Applications Michelle Home